Last time on
my blog I wrote about ex-pat blogs that help me escape from the mundane everyday existence that I sometimes find myself dwelling upon. This next round of links is another form of escapism, but they focus more on the experience of QSWs (Qualified Social Workers) residing in the UK. Some are ex-pats, some are British Natives. Each of them describe work and life experiences that help to inform my own soon-to-be adventures overseas.
- Fighting Monsters is a British Social Worker who works on an over 65s community mental health team. She holds the designation of an AMHP (Approved Mental Health Professional) and a BIA (Best Interests Assessor). She writes often about social policy in the UK, as well as her experience in this particular field.
- Life Across the Pond aka Wanderlust, is a blog by Melissa. She is a Canadian (from the GTA) studying Law in London, and as a part-time job works in social care. She's not a QSW, but her experience is helpful in preparation for the professional adventure. She is a Key Worker (Case Manager) for adults in recovery from addictions.
- Livin The Dream: An American Expat in London. Julie is, as you can tell, an American QSW in London. She has her Masters in Social Work and, when not being affronted by tumbling rats, works as a Social Worker for a school board in London.
- Social Worker-to-be - as the by-line says, "The musings of a British social work student."
- The Masked AMHP is a Social Worker and AMHP (Approved Mental Health Professional) working in a Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) in England. (In English (and Welsh) law (Scotland is different again), if it is considered that someone needs to receive assessment or treatment in hospital for serious mental disorder and they are not willing or able to make that decision for themselves, two doctors need to make recommendations for a person to be detained, but the final decision rests with the AMHP, who is explicitly not a doctor, but can be a social worker, mental health nurse, clinical psychologist or occupational therapist. - from her About section.)
- Yohabloespanglish's Blog is written by an American Social Worker who is awaiting her Visa, and in the meantime working in CP as a volunteer Social Worker.
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